Swab a surface in the brewery, activate the swab’s sampling device, and record the measurement in seconds. An indication of the level of ATP present on any given surface provides an indication of cleanliness and the efficacy of cleaning processes. Routine monitoring of ATP levels at critical points in the brewing process can provide the opportunity to optimize cleaning and sanitation protocols and prevent sanitation-based quality problems before they start.
Unique to the MVP Icon is MilliporeSigma’s validated Zones of Cleanliness system. This system is an easy to understand quantitative indication of cleanliness, using a 0-5 scale. A result below 2.5 is considered a “Pass”, a result between 2.5-3.0 indicates trace amounts of ATP, and a surface with a result above 3.0 should be cleaned again and retested. Although the MVP Icon can also be configured to read in Relative Light Units (RLU), the Zones of Cleanliness system simplifies the monitoring process and provides convenience to brewery sanitation programs.
The MVP Icon can also be used in conjunction with the MVP Icon Dashboard Software, a PC based application that provides a status snapshot of your sanitation program by generating analytical trending and performance reports. The software also allows you to establish and monitor a testing schedule, providing you with assurance that your HACCP program is properly managed.
Software Download
Download the MVP Icon software here.
For product information or to place an
order please call: 866-213-1131
© 2021 Gusmer Enterprises, Inc.
Brewing Nutrients
Hard Seltzer Nutrients
Sour Beer Cultures
Malt Concentrates
Oak Blocks
Caramel Coloring
Lab Chemicals
Color Measurement / UV Absorption
Lab / Benchtop Instruments
Brewhouse Equipment
Spent Grain Handling
Flash Pasteurization
Fermentation Nutrients for Hard Seltzer
Enzymes for Hard Seltzer
Water Deaeration for Hard Seltzer
Filtration for Hard Seltzer