Gusmer Enterprises expects that our suppliers commit to ethical and sustainable business practices. We believe that compliance with all applicable laws is the foundation for sustainability. In addition to compliance, we encourage suppliers to make continuous improvement as they identify new and innovative ways to create value and mitigate risk in the three interconnected dimensions of sustainability: people, nature and governance. Our suppliers are expected to have read and agreed to Gusmer’s Supplier Code of Conduct in full – and to act accordingly at all times.
Gusmer Enterprises strives to conduct its activities in a manner that reflects its Employee Handbook, Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics – which includes dealing fairly in business, behaving ethically, upholding human rights, supporting a safe and healthy workplace, and complying with applicable law. We’re committed to ensuring that our suppliers reflect our values and beliefs by conducting business in ways that are consistent with Gusmer’s applicable policies and practices.
The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 requires certain companies that manufacture or sell products in the State of California to disclose their efforts, if any, to address the issue of slavery and human trafficking in their direct supply chains. Gusmer Enterprises is committed to complying with the law wherever we operate and conducting all business activities in accordance with the highest ethical standards.
Gusmer Enterprises works with suppliers who meet the highest level of quality, performance and legal standards. Our approach includes thorough and regular notification of the requirements of our suppliers and we rely on their systems to implement without defined certification, verification or auditing.